Using a simplified cultural technique we have eliminated as much as possible of the mechanical interventions our soil, reducing both the use of fossile fuels and our carbon footprint. Heterogeneous soil characterizes the whole area – to the west, mostly clay, rich in iron oxides, perfect for growing our red varieties, and to the east, vast limestone formations do wonders for our white varieties.

The climate is mainly temperate-continental, with hot summers and cold winters. Typical Eastern-European excesses are dampened by the protection offered by the Carpathian mountain-chain from cold winds and by the warm masses of air coming from the Mediterranean (south and south-west).

The region enjoys exceptional helio-thermic values for vinegrowing – global solar radiation of above 120 – 130 kcal/cm2, 2150 – 2200 hours of direct sunlight, and a sum of average above 0o C daily temperatures of over 4,000o C.The annual average temperature is around 10.6o C, with annual precipitation average of 600 mm.

The locals live through their vineyards. They are hardworking men and women, patient and very passionate about wine. It is with these skilled and kind people, that Davino begins year after year its pursuit of perfection.